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Simple Queries

All Items

#prefix for selecting Q items, item (Q43) => wb:Q43
prefix wb: <>
#prefix for selecting properties, subclass of (P2) => wbt:P2
prefix wbt: <>

#select all items that match, return ?item and ?rl
select ?item ?rl where {
  #add restriction that items need to be a subclass of (P2) => item (Q43)
  #the + means it can also be a subclass of anything thing that is a subclass of item (Q43)
  #slab (Q1305) => subclass of (P2) => item (Q43)
  #so all Q items that are subclasses of slabs will also be returned
  ?item wbt:P2+ wb:Q43.
  #make ?rl the value of resource location (P4)
  #this also makes sure the resource location (P4) property exists
  ?item wbt:P4 ?rl.

Q Item With Resource Location

prefix wb: <>
prefix wbt: <>

select ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription where {
  ?item wbt:P4 "minecraft:dirt".
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }


Command Arguments

prefix wb: <>
prefix wbt: <>
prefix wbp: <>
prefix wbps: <>
prefix wbq: <>

select ?command_name ?argument_name ?argument_type where {
  ?item wbt:P1 wb:Q1466.
  ?item rdfs:label ?command_name.
  ?item wbp:P15 ?argument_statement.
  ?argument_statement wbps:P15 ?argument_name.
  ?argument_statement wbq:P16 ?argument_type_item.
  ?argument_type_item wbt:P4 ?argument_type.


All Projectiles

prefix wb: <>
prefix wbt: <>

#return ?item & ?rl
select ?item ?rl where {
  ?item wbt:P2 wb:Q1581. # subclass of => projectile
  ?item wbt:P20 wb:Q1300. # part of => entity registry
  ?item wbt:P4 ?rl. # resource location => ?rl


Given Effects

prefix wb: <>
prefix wbt: <>
prefix wbp: <>
prefix wbpq: <>
prefix wbps: <>

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?effect ?effectLabel ?amplifier ?duration WHERE {
  ?item wbp:P68 ?effectStatement.
  ?effectStatement wbps:P68 ?effect; wbpq:P69 ?amplifier; wbpq:P70 ?duration.
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }


All Armor

prefix wb: <>
prefix wbt: <>

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?rl ?armorClassLabel ?equipmentClassLabel ?durability WHERE {
  ?item wbt:P2 ?armorClass. # subclass => ?armorClass
  ?armorClass wbt:P2 wb:Q1621. # ?armorClass => subclass => armor
  optional {
    ?item wbt:P2 ?equipmentClass. # subclass => ?equipmentClass
    ?equipmentClass wbt:P2 wb:Q1620. # ?equipmentClass => subclass => equipment
  ?item wbt:P53 ?durability. # durability => ?durability
  ?item wbt:P4 ?rl. # resource location => ?rl
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }


prefix wb: <>
prefix wbt: <>

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?restoredHunger ?restoredSaturation ?effectiveQuality ?nourishment WHERE {
  ?item wbt:P2* wb:Q1689. #sublcass of => food
  ?item wbt:P51 ?restoredHunger.
  ?item wbt:P52 ?restoredSaturation.
  #Nourishment is defined as the ratio of saturation to hunger points restored.
  #Foods with higher nourishment values should be eaten when the hunger bar is more full.
  bind(?restoredSaturation / ?restoredHunger as ?nourishment).
  #Hunger Points + Saturation that is restored, which gives roughly how long the food can last.
  #This value is reduced if the player is near the food or saturation cap, as excess points of either type are wasted.
  bind(?restoredHunger + ?restoredSaturation as ?effectiveQuality).
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Content Packs

All Packs

prefix wb: <>
prefix wbt: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?pack ?packLabel ?packDescription ?packType ?packTypeLabel ?vanilla ?downloadURL WHERE {
   ?pack wbt:P1/wbt:P2* wb:Q5192. # instance of => pack
   ?pack wbt:P1 ?packType.
   filter(?packType != wb:Q5195). # ?packType != vanilla pack
   BIND(exists{?pack wbt:P1/wbt:P2* wb:Q5195} as ?vanilla) # instance of => vanilla pack
   optional {?pack wbt:P73 ?downloadURL.}
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }


Registry Entries

prefix wb: <>
prefix wbt: <>

SELECT ?rootRegistry ?rootRegistryLabel ?rootRegistryRL ?registry ?registryLabel ?registryRL ?registryEntry ?registryEntryLabel ?registryEntryRL WHERE {
    ?rootRegistry wbt:P28 wb:Q1482; wbt:P4 ?rootRegistryOldRL.
    BIND(CONCAT("(",STR(?rootRegistryOldRL),")") as ?rootRegistryRL).
    ?registry wbt:P20 ?rootRegistry; wbt:P4 ?registryOldRL.
    BIND(CONCAT("(",STR(?registryOldRL),")") as ?registryRL).
    ?registryEntry wbt:P20 ?registry; wbt:P4 ?registryEntryOldRL.
    BIND(CONCAT("(",STR(?registryEntryOldRL),")") as ?registryEntryRL).
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Units of Measure

All Units

prefix wb: <>
prefix wbt: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?unit ?unitLabel ?unitSymbol WHERE {
    ?unit wbt:P1/wbt:P2* wb:Q9.
      ?unit wbt:P64 ?unitSymbol.
      FILTER ( LANG(?unitSymbol) = "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]" )
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }